Sunday, June 9, 2019

Hate Preaching Resurgence

I haven't blogged in a while, but I feel compelled to say something about a new religious group called the New Independent Fundamental Baptist Movement. This is a group of 30 churches that take a literal and extreme interpretation of the Bible. Most shockingly, they call for the execution of everyone in the LGBTQ community.

My reaction to this group is not anger but more-so I'm tired of all the hate. It's strange to me that religions that supposedly promote love are responsible for so much hate in the world.

From childhood many gay people face persecution, and religious people appear to show the most zeal and hatred. LGBTQ members do not provoke fights and don't attempt to harm anyone, yet a group of fundamentalist Christians wants to give gays capital punishment.

For those who have lost their compassion and empathy, let me assure you that gay people have feelings too. They have dreams and aspirations, and they just want to be happy like the rest of us. They are put into this world "different" and must live their entire lives with their differences rubbed in their face.

To the hate groups who are disguised as Christian groups, I have nothing to say. The haters are always going to hate and those of us who can still feel love need to overwhelm all the evil in this world.

Stating the Obvious

The favorite gay bashing verse in the Bible comes from Leviticus, an old law book that evolved over time. Around 500 BCE a group of priests developed the book into its current form. I won't go into all the other extreme and weird rules in this book, but it's evident that Christian extremists cherrypick the versus to fit their agenda.

I also shouldn't have to mention that gay people have no control about who they are. They are simply wired differently than the majority population. To persecute people for this and call for their death is heartbreaking.


I've already covered the gay issue in an earlier blog post,  and I won't dwell on it here. I will only say that I am saddened and discouraged because all the hate in our world never seems to go way. While we have made great strides in the area of social equality, in the past few years I've been seeing a regression. I realize that Donald Trump has created a climate where it's okay to hate in the open again. I realize that America's conservative, religious whites are feeling threatened and are lashing back. At this point I don't know what to say anymore, other than I'm simply sad.

Photo:Jordan McDonald

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